Energy Zone FITness adventures to Three Pools in Blanchisseuse
We invite YOU to our next Relaxation Lifestyle Event to TERRIFIC THREE POOLS .
Fun, Fitness, Friends and Family with a lot of laughter, camaraderie and joy is our Supplement of choice.
Adventure to the village of Blanchisseuse!
Fitness is a journey of change. Its what you do today and everyday, in the gym or outside the gym.
Fitness is also enjoyable and relaxing. We want you to embrace fitness as a lifestyle.
The trail begins at the historic Spring Bridge in Blanchisseuse and after a brief twenty minute walk along the course of the Marianne River we encounter the Terrific Three Pools.Â
Rate: Easy.
Duration: 20 minutes one-way.
Meeting Point: Maracas Beach
Time: – 830a.m.
Cost:- $80.00 adults and $40 kidsÂ
Car Park:-$40.00
Meeting Point for those who require transport 7am Mt. Hope
Please Note persons requiring transport must call in advance to bookÂ
Transport Iand hike inclusive is $200.00Â
Deadline for booking of transport is May 10th
Bathing optional.
Walk with extra change of clothing.
Interested persons call 350 5868.