Walk Against Gender Based Violence

Walk Against Gender Based Violence
Date & Time
November 26, 2023
04:00 PM
November 26, 2023
07:00 PM
Queens Park Savannah Port Of Spain Trinidad
AFETT - Association of Female Executives of Trinidad & Tobago
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About This Experience

It’s that time of year where we show our unwavering commitment to eradicating gender-based violence by participating in the United Nation’s 16 Days of Activism Campaign.

This year, we will be walking around the Queen’s Park Savannah on Sunday 26th of November, from 4 PM to show our solidarity for this year’s theme:
“UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls”

So, we invite you and your families to come out and join us.
Branded T-shirts are available for purchase for the event. The cost is $150, and entitles you to light refreshments after.

If you’d like to get one, please complete this order form by Wednesday, 22nd November at 4 PM.

Please note, there is no cost to participate in the walk. Water will be provided for all participants.
And, if you choose not to order a T-shirt, we ask that you wear an orange tee instead.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
P.S. We will be gathering at the QUEEN’S PARK SAVANNAH ( Opp Hagen Daaz) at 3:45pm before the official start of the event.

Cost : Free
Tshirt & Refreshment Package:$150.00 ( optional)